Hey do you know I was surviving on the last paycheck I had from my full time job in September?
You know how's it like when you only have your last paycheck from your full time job to sustain yourself, your family and your new business? You don't want to give up your dream but the reality has never been patient with you.This was how I feel from head to toe last month. Green Rivor hasn't been my full time job for years already. I worked full time in other companies until recent months, I was lucky enough to have a transitional job that allowed me to spend more time at Green Rivor. But suddenly my transitional job was gone.
A chance to devote myself at GR completely again.
It's been quite scary when you are holding onto the last paycheck to run your own business. On one hand I am so very happy that I am living a life I like so much now, but at the same time, it's not easy to see every penny drifting away.
I don't belong to any religion but I totally believe that God is watching us and helping us to craft our own lives. But I was struggling.
One day I had an urge to walk into a bookstore and I felt like I was searching for something eagerly. Then I saw this, and my eyes couldn't move away:

I am not preaching, but I have to say this message speaks right to my situation and my heart.
I cannot use my old thinking pattern to walk on a new path, it won't work. My old mind created my old path. If I want a new path, I must rely on the new inspiration and guidance.
I need to raise my awareness to spot what is my old thinking pattern. If it doesn't work, let go, quickly, then pray for new ideas. If you don't believe in God, then ask your soul who always gives you the gut feeling and new ideas.
Trust in God and lean not on our own understanding, so true.
I am still working hard for Green Rivor, not only for making money, but more for actualizing my belief and experiencing something higher. Live a life that worth living.
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